She arched so that the cock came out of her ass, exhaled loudly and lowered her legs. She touched my thighs with her feet and brought her knees together in front of my face, her body continued to tremble.
Be patient until tomorrow. My morning to work, and I'm to you. We'll get laid in a day. I had time to think, “Now will something about which I have been fantasizing about for so many years happen?” My legs trembled treacherously, Anya wanted to put me on the sofa with cancer, but I said that I wanted to stand. Without hesitation, she threw a couple of pillows on the floor, putting me to the chest of drawers, she took a condom from the same chest of drawers and put it on while standing on the pillows. There was also a lubricant, she reached for it and I closed my eyes. My cock was ready to explode at any minute. I felt like she parted my ass a little and applied lubricant. From her touch, I was trembling all over, I could hardly stand on my feet and heard Anyuta breathing heavily from behind. She gently began to insert her finger into me, I tried to completely relax, since there was an experience with toys, then she added another one and realizing that I quickly got used to it, she pushed my left side of the priests away with her left hand and rested her penis in the ass. Her penis was not very long, but at the same time thick enough. I could no longer hold back and said, "An, I'll finish now." She pressed harder, the head slipped inside at that moment, and at that moment I began to cum. From somewhere from the very inside, electrical discharges and waves of heat flew all over my body, from a standing, completely naked member, it splashed again and again and poured directly onto the chest of drawers, I was in a fever, and Anya still didn’t come out of me at that moment, she froze and did nothing. I leaned back slightly, planting myself on her cock a little deeper and again something exploded in my head, once again a powerful shot of sperm and only mumbling "fuck" I jumped off Anyuta's cock. Unable to even stand, I held on to the chest of drawers, my legs buckled, but after a few seconds I was able to get up. Anya all the time while I finished, stroked me with light touches, I looked at her and she said, "Rum, I can't take it anymore." Although I didn’t really want to, but I pulled her along and stood cancer on the couch, as she wanted at the beginning. Anya gently entered me again, and after a few frictions, I felt how her cock poured even more, she screamed and began to finish without taking it out, entering me again and again. This lasted for about a minute, after which she pulled out the already limp penis and, without removing the condom, fell on the sofa, and I lay next to her with my hand on her flat tummy and felt the warmth of her body. From the ring of the anus, waves of heat spread all over my body, the feeling is as if you fucking know how long you wear shoes two sizes smaller and finally take them off, but here add another feeling when you have a cast, your hand itches is simply unbearable and here you are finally you can scratch it enough. And multiply it all by 5.
At some point, she got up and apologized and said that she was dry and that she would go to get dressed. As soon as she got up, the towel knot was cut and the only covering on her body turned out to be on the carpet and Irina stood completely naked in front of me. From surprise and surprise, she froze with her mouth open and could not even cover her dignity with her hands. Then I was able to admire for a few seconds her beautiful breasts and beautifully shaved pubis, on which she left only a narrow strip of hair in the middle.
And how. (I laughed too.)
- Don't care brother, today is my day! So now I'm calling a taxi and we're going to party! Understood?